Three roles you like to avoid as HR
06 maart 2015

The preacher
This is a role I personally have to unlearn, and I am not yet there. People like passionate people, but generally people do not like people who preach. There are so many insights of psychology that are not used in organizations.
There are so many fantastic new developments that we could implement today. Why do many leaders not apply the lessons they learned in Management 101? And so on. When preaching you can come across as: I know better. Use your passion, do not revert to preaching.
The Calimero
We all know the Calimero in HR. No need to use that role. HR has a lot to bring, and an assertive attitude brings HR a lot further than the Calimero approach.
The consigliere
The consigliere is close to the leader who is her boss. Lets assume the boss is female as well. The consigliere can be found in the office of the boss regularly. The more the better, as this shows she is part of the inner circle. She protects the boss. She helps others: “Leave this to me, I will discuss it with her”. The consigliere becomes the oil in the machine. A role to avoid for HR, as HR needs to be transparent and clear, and not the center of the office politics.
About the author: Tom Haak is the founder and director of the HR Trend Institute ( Prior to founding the HR Trend Institute in 2014, Tom held senior HR positions in companies as ARCADIS, Aon, KPMG and Philips.
He can be followed on Twitter (@tomwhaak and @hrtrendinst) and on Instagram@tomwhaak.
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